"Aviram Givoni Media" provides a wide variety of services, tailored to the individual needs and requirements of each of its clients.
Locating new opportunities, quick reaction and striving for new success-oriented activities are inevitable in a competitive market. Deep and thorough understandings of the business environment, planning and professional outlining the various ways of action to provide the desired differentiation and relative advantage over other players in the market, are key ingredients to a successful activity.
Our years-acquired experience gives us the required capabilities to creating value for our clients. We follow developments, understand, analyze and predict and assess future market trends and movements, to act on time for producing business advantages and efficacy which lead to profit.
Business Strategy
Many ways may lead to success, but there is one way that tops the others: an intelligent, articulate and well-crafted Business Strategy through which profit, success and continued growth are all achieved.
The Business Strategy involves making proprietary decisions on where to play and how to win. Our goal is to help our clients drive their businesses to full economic potential.
The process includes forming ideas on what actions to take by considering each individual client’s needs and surroundings, to help the organization set goals and choose its plans of action through which it can achieve its goals. With the help of a special thinking team we will establish the organization’s goals and destinations by thinking deeply towards the future in order to match the client to the changing market conditions and surroundings.
Within the framework of the strategy planning we dissect the current situation, sketching out the process and implementing the relative advantages.
Investments in Israel
The Israeli economy is an advanced economic market and is considered one of the fastest developing economies in the world. The Israeli market is free and democratic like in all modern western countries based on regulations and competitive surroundings which encourage foreign investments and international collaboration. Israel has been member of the OECD organization since 2010.
The state of Israel is known as a place in which breakthroughs occur through universality where growth driving forces of success stories occur on a worldwide scale, and is known as a profitable location for investment. Israel has relative advantages over other countries which typically attract investors, because of the abundance of knowledge and technological innovativeness of Israeli industries. Another thing worth noting is the exceptional Israeli achievements throughout the world that were accomplished through the scientific skills and the entrepreneurial spirit.
Business Services – How to Get to Know the Israeli Economy
In order to understand in which field to invest, one should know well the area they choose to invest in. Taking advantage of business opportunities is a strategic growth lever for all companies and businesses. In reality, such business opportunities are critical in the continuation and widening of these activities.
Spotting opportunities, the quick and effortful reaction in order to allow for new activities are an obligatory reality in the resonant and competitive market.
“Aviram Givoni Media” distributes all the information and services needed to be up to date in all that is happening in the Israeli economy.
We developed a new model that based on the connection between media, business, economy and finance, who gives a specials services for peoples, brands and companies that want invest in Israel.
As part of the process of the services that our company provides to our customers we identify the correct and relevant information to each client based on their specific needs.
We go over all that goes on in Israel, follow the business developments in the Israeli market and evaluate the markets situation. As such, we deliver detailed information on a daily/ weekly/ monthly basis, which gives a detailed and in-depth analysis of the situation in a variety of languages.
“Aviram Givoni Media” specializes in content, performing research and dissecting all the information for the international business community.
With the help of an advanced technological infrastructure the information is processed, researched and dissected by a skilled group and passed along to clients in the fastest possible manner.
Communications strategy
Reality, which relies on today’s many communication platforms, dictates an utmost importance to setting a proper communications strategy. Embedding your message into media platforms is important as such platforms form the international public’s opinion.
A communication strategy is designed to help you and your organization communicate effectively and meet core organizational objectives.
At this point we will look at the key elements of a communications strategy as well as how press and PR plans, web strategies, and marketing plans can fit into your organization’s overall communications strategy.
A variety of media platforms, both old and new, provide the public with up to date information at every moment. Television, radio, newspapers, websites and social networks are the tools form that form the public’s opinion.
Proper action based on the right strategy built upon the organization’s unique characteristics will create distinction and highlight the client’s relative advantage over its competitors. This will expose the organization to its target groups and lead it to the destination it strives for.
Processing Information from Satellite Broadcasting
Through connecting to a satellite dish there is reception to thousands of TV channels and radio stations. From all the broadcast content, one can find news channels, economics and finance, history, films, docu-comedy, music, sports, nature, science, journeys, reality shows, children's channels, fashion and lifestyle channels, Religion, propaganda channels, and more.
In a daily reality in which the media is a reality structure and anyone can pass along his message in a basically free manner to the world, there is great importance to the content that is spread through radio and television broadcasts.
For the service we are offering there is the ability through the latest technologies to receive the most broadcasts. Through a unique technology I am able to follow broadcasts and to analyze content according to a client's specific demands.
One can analyze the broadcast content with an emphasis on specific channels, broadcast packages and types of content passed along on any channel in a variety of languages.